The United States is a Dystopia

What's going on in the U.S. right now is insane; with non-existent gun laws, Ron Desantis's anti-trans bills and an increasingly right-wing GOP, it's practically a dystopia. It's crazy that a child could be shot in a school in America and then not be able to receive care because their parents can't afford it. Here are some things that America desperately needs to have in order to maintain democracy and quality of living:
  • Medicare for All
  • Equal Rights Amendment
  • Constitutional protection of the LGBTQ community, POC, etc.
  • Easily available abortion care
  • Fair and democratic policies
  • Better gun laws (similar to that of New Zealand)
Since I live in New Zealand, which has free healthcare, abortion for all people, and other essential things, I have quite a different perspective on America than Americans. I think America should be more like New Zealand or Australia; and if you're in America, please vote blue in 2024 to maintain democracy!


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