Of the Coast and the Forests is Out Now!

My new slice-of-life book, Of the Coast and the Forests, is out now. The book is all about the character Bernard Grahame and the town of Gorman Hill. What happens when Bernard meets the enigmatic figure of Charles? Find out in this fantastic book.

Read: BeineWiki or BeineBooks*

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*BeineBooks requires Wyco Netz OS. If you have this operating system, open the BeineBooks app via the search menu or download it from the NetzApp store.


  1. OMG so coooool! Your books are excellent!

  2. This is the best Bleys Robertson book yet! Absolutely fantastic. I really love the complexity of the book, the beautiful storyline, and the way the characters interact with each other. The colloquialisms are stunning, the plot is gripping, the descriptions are immaculate and the book is simply a classic. I think that Of the Coast and the Forests is one of the best books I've read recently. P.S. feel free to use this in a blurb! 🤣🤣

    1. Agreed! I've read a little bit so far, and it is so good! I recommend!

  3. omggggggggggggggg

  4. Oh my gosh! - Gordon


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