The Adventures of Emejulia Smith Promotional Blurb

I know you're all desperate for more information on my new book, The Adventures of Emejulia Smith, so I have written a new promotional blurb!

The Adventures of Emejulia Smith

Bleys Robertson’s latest novel!

“One day you’ll be walking down a gravel path at the foot of a beautiful hill, admiring liberty, and they’ll shoot you in the back. You won’t even see it coming; you won’t see the shooter.”

In this shocking and thoughtful novel, renowned author Bleys Robertson brings to light the flaws of capitalism and warns about the path that modern society is heading down. Follow the stunning journey of Emejulia, a plentfruitfulist stuck in a dystopian capitalist society in which the government has total control, there are no unions, religion or freedom of thought, and greedy corporations rule the lands. Will Emejulia escape from the woeful society she is stuck in, or will she be killed at the hands of the authorities before she can try?


  1. you are such a great writer! truly a career in the making! 😊

  2. Human liberty, above all, is the most important building block of life!


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