
Showing posts from November, 2021

🎡 Top Tracks #5 🎢


πŸ”₯ 120,000 VIEWS!!! πŸ”₯

Wow! We have 120,000 views. Now, that's a lot. I also just added up the view count of all my active/planned-to-be-active blogs. It adds up to 152,000 views! Wow! That's a lot. We also basically have no competition. I guess Onion Clicker is kinda competition, but they are so far behind us in views. Anyway here's a song because you guys like them:

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πŸŽ™οΈ Top Tracks #4 πŸŽ›οΈ


🎢 Top Tracks #3 🎹


🎼 Top Tracks #2 🎹


🎢 Top Tracks #1 🎡

Welcome to this new series! In this series, I will post some of my favourite more modern songs. I won't be posting new songs, but I will post some of my favourites from the 80s and 90s. So here's the first song: