
Showing posts from September, 2021

🧀 Extra Cheesy Coding #2! 👨‍💻

This is the second extra cheesy coding! The last one was over a year ago. Today, I will teach you about inputs! There are many different types of inputs, like: Text Input <input type="text"> Number Input <input type="number"> Colo(u)r Input <input type="color"> Checkbox Input <input type="checkbox"> Other Input Types Other Input Types Code <input type="date" /> <input type="datetime-local" /> <input type="email" /> <input type="file" /> <input type="hidden" /> <input type="image" /> <input type="month" /> <input type="password" /> <input type="radio" /> <input type="range" /> <input type="reset" /> <input type="search" /> <input type="submit" /> <input type="tel" /> <input type="...

🎶 Lovely Music #8 🎵

I have mod on Fun Studios now. I don't know what to post so here's a video:

🎆 100,000 Views Celebration Video 🥳

😁 100K Celebration Video Coming When This Post Hits 1K Views 😆

I'm creating a 100K view celebration, and when this post gets to 1,000 views, I'll release it to all you fans. So share this post with your friends and family and let's get this to 1,000 views in 5 days. That's generally the average for my posts. Anyway, here's a video:


Oh my gosh! Thanks so much for 100K views! I can't believe we got there! Stay tuned for a Fun Studios exclusive video to celebrate 100K views. Wow! I can't believe this happened. I even had to check on my laptop and my two iPhones to make sure this wasn't a glitch. So stay tuned. Anyway, here's a video:

🔥 We're So Close To 100K Views 🔥

Wow! We are at 98,800 views! By the time this comes out it might even be 99,000 views! We will most likely get there this month! Let's try to get there soon!

🐈 The Daily Life Of A Cute Cat 🐱


🎆 95,000/96,000 Views!!! 🎆

Sorry, I'm late. But wow!!! We are 4,000 views away from 100,000 views! Hopefully, we will get there this month. In January, I said we would get to 100,000 views by the end of the year, but now, it seems we will get there way before that. Anywhere, here's a video: