Showing posts from July, 2019
Speak Xyogian
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Wyco Project
Xyogian is the language that is spoken in Xyogo. OK, here we go. Hello - Estevesteconvetes (ESS-tey-vess-tey-con-vey-tayes) Goodbye - Hhnvecktestve (Hinn-VECK-taste-vee) Armed Protection Army - Ychpwllecterprequeuniychgynnwycheveteche (U-pool-ecter-prat-kay-you-nee-u-guin-wik-ee-vee-tek-ay) Underground Railway - Metrobahn (Metro-BARN)
Weather Man Says Long Welsh Place Name
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Wyco Project
Angry Squeaking Frog - BBC One
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Guess What Chronicles Of Extin Character I Am
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Wyco Project
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Wyco Project
Yes! We have 5,600 views! HAPPY Inc almost have 4,000! Noodle Man now gets no views at all. Not even Russians. But anyway, we might not post as much as we used to every day. We will only post like 4 times a day, maybe. We are working on a project. But that can't stop us from posting daily. Thanks so much.
Learn The Current Peng Alliance Army Leaders
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Wyco Project
Ok... these Pengs are current army leaders... Luggenzvigga Current Army Leader In Xyogo Luggenzvigga attacked Ycon in Allianticspectetimedconvinuin Time 2030. He lead 900,000 Trillion Pengs to Ycon and 899,000 Trillion Pengs lived. Pengvineste Current Army Leader In The Alliance* There is little known about this leader, but we do know that he attacked Earth. This attack was called "The Invasion". 1M Homo Sapiens died. *Xyogo has their own army.
See The All New Chronicles Of Extin Website:
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Wyco Project
In The Of The Mountain King
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Fun Studios Network
What Is Your Favorite Music?
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Largest Things In The Peng Alliance
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Fun Studios Network
4. Estedestevoncenstonmidesteautobahnyexve Highway (in Xyogo) The Estedestevoncenstonmidesteautobahnyexve is the Xyogian word for Autobahn (Highway). It is the largest highway in the Peng Alliance. (It stretches 400 Million light years.) 3. The Diablo Star (in the Atlantic Nebula) This image is just made by Ultra Gradient Colors. It is a mix of yellow and black. But never mind... it is 2 times the size of Estedestevoncenstonmidesteautobahnyexve. It have engulfed many other stars. Its name mean The Devil Star, as in Diablo meaning Devil. This image was created by CodeYourColors at the time 8:45. 2: The Atlantic Nebula (in the Ultradestevestedconstangoodveque Area) The Atlantic Nebula, named after the Earth ocean called the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Nebula is 600,000,000,000,000 Million light years big. It is very large. 1: The Alliance Universe Group (in deep space) The Alliance Universe Group is 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,...
Peng Facts:
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Wyco Project
1: Xyogo is the size of 10 earths, and produces it's own natural light. 2: The Vestedeskeanstestcesteconvesteanylldesylnyl Army of Xyogo has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengs 3: The Axtevian city of Condesque has the fastest motorway in the Peng Alliance, with a speed of 900,000 MPH. Many Pengs don't live to get out of the motorway. Thanks!
Latest From "FactO Network Website Hack"
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Wyco Project
Christchurch Suburban Comet reports... Hackers have hack FactO Network's (getting) popular website. The FactO team have clues, and UberSicher Netz is looking into the case. Mark Cunningham says "If I found out who did it, I will kick them, then call 105." Now we have proof who did it. Hey, if you see this. It may have been Riley who hacked us!
Conffeiria X - As Seen On NetzTube
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Wyco Project
Coding Challenge Finals
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Wyco Project
Ok, here's how it went... 1: Coming in First Place is Explosion Network 2: Coming in Second Place is Retro Eye Studios 3: Coming in Third Place is Cute Cat Supporters Club NZ 4: Coming in Forth Place is Fun Blog Domains Why didn't Retro Eye Studios win? This is because what we did not tell you is you need to have inputs and buttons to call it good coding. Explosion Network has a subscribe button. Our certified professional says "You need inputs and buttons. You need basic color to work off. You need to mix basic HTML with the CSS. You need good old styling."
Tell Us: What's Your Favorite Piece Of Opera Music?
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Wyco Project
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Wyco Project
We have 5,100 views! Thanks to everyone who goes on my website and reads my posts. Thanks to everyone at the Christchurch Seniors Club of Fun. We know you go on our website. Thanks! 😃! We think it is a good idea to visit Explosion and subscribe. Keep in mind, the Annual Coding Cup is on. Get more information at the Fun Activity post !
Coding Activity Entries
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Wyco Project
We had some entries. See them here... 1. Cute Cat Supporters Club NZ - The link 2. Retro Eye Studios (Not finished) - The link* 3. Fun Blog Domains - The link 4. Explosion Network - The link 1. Made by Bleys Robertson and Kod'n Vercad. 2. Made by HAPPY Inc. 3. Made by Matter Network Tech, Inc. 4. Made by Conffeiria X (Bleys) That is our entries. There is still time to enter. Just make an entry, then send the entry to us via comments or email. *Not finished, and not secure. Stay safe!
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Wyco Project
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Barry rolled into the Louisiana coast Saturday, flooding highways, forcing people to scramble to rooftops and dumping heavy rain that could test the levees and pumps that were bolstered after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005. After briefly becoming a Category 1 hurricane, the system weakened to a tropical storm as it made landfall near Intracoastal City, about 160 miles (257km) west of New Orleans, with its winds falling to 70 mph (112km), the National Hurricane Center said. By late afternoon, New Orleans had been spared the worst effects, receiving only light showers and gusty winds. But officials warned that Barry could still cause disastrous flooding across a wide stretch of the Gulf Coast and drop up to 20 inches (50 cm) of rain through Sunday across a part of Louisiana that includes New Orleans and Baton Rouge. News from MSN
What It Cuter: Ginger Cat or Rottweiler Puppies?
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Wyco Project
Introducing The Scientific Name For Titin
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Wyco Project
Tell Us: Did Riley Quit Blogger?
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Wyco Project
Visit Explosion's New Website
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Wyco Project
Really Long Words I Made Up
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Wyco Project
I went on Google Translate and made some words. They are in Latin, and no, they are not real, but who cares. Siauteminsidiaminivesteressetduxcommittislaesae Meaning: Treason Nisiegomorioretcaseoetpilatambonummihivaldegrataestcomedereetquidpulchrumputanttexta Meaning: Cheese balls Salvenomenmihiesthicsermoetexemplumquodsicsignificatquodhinondicovobisquiaegodominuseoquodnonestnonagitsedquicuratifecitillud Meaning: Hi Etcontraecclesiaeexangliaetiamantisciuntquodfides Meaning: Antidisestablishmentarianisim
What Does Chipy Look Like With No Beak?
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Fun Studios Network
Get Our App Premium (Best Offer Yet)
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Fun Studios Network
What's The Secret Code?
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Fun Studios Network
All New Software for PC
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Fun Studios Network
Get The Wyco Netz App!
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Fun Studios Network
Learn The Peng Planets
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Fun Studios Network
These are not all of the Peng planets in The Alliance. But these are some of them. Xyogo: Xyogo is the second most populated planet in the Peng universe. You say it like this: EX-i-oh-go. Peng lives on this planet. It has 800 Trillion Pengs on the planet. Axtevestecsque: Axtevestecsque, also called Axtev for short, is the home of Axtevestecsqueprogonsdebabbleeonopengvesteavaqueconstadevesetenobleactodevantipwllactodenezareafordesleprogonsquedeaxtevontodeavercasdesavestonaxtobesteque. It has 799 Trillion Pengs. Octotevsky: Octotevsky, home of Desky, the largest army, with 100 Quindecillion Pengs. It has the biggest population, with 67 Vigintillion Pengs on the planet! How Many Pengs In The Whole Alliance? 70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...