
Showing posts from April, 2019

Change your Fun Studios account!

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Oh my gosh. Honestly, at this rate we will have over 1 million views by 2020! Surprises me! Don't you want to celebrate with us? If you do, view Comment Hub! Oh, and... please, oh please... go to FactO to support the team!

All about FactO!

FactO is a big company. They have a big website. ( ). Facto, as you can see in the image, is a big company. The logos you see around the FactO text are the four biggest FactO blogs. Fun Studios, Info Box, FactMania, Chipy Studios. Info Box was made as an information center. Chipy Studios was made by a group of people who work for Peng, Inc. FactMania is a giant facts and news source. And Fun Studios is the most popular FactO website. You are on it. FactMania is the oldest, though. FactO has a simple SITE123 sub domain, and Chipy Studios has a simple sub domain, too. I hope you enjoyed All about FactO! It is a fun post, right? Comment bellow! Good bye, guys!

Celebrating success since 7:09 Saturday, February, 2019!

📧 📺 @trevorrobertson  🔍 Fun Studios Celebrating success since 7:09 Saturday, February, 2019! Welcome to Fun Studios. We wanted to say thank you to all you people out there. Thank you to the people who commented on the TooCoo post: TooCoo Team from FactO Fun Studios Inc. LinKigno Copyright Team Unknown CreatorsHub Bleys Robertson Jill 比爾康曼 Bill Robert Anonymous Fun Studios Support Team Peng, Inc. Thank you so much to all those fun people. Commenting on my blog! Let's see all the people who commented on my blog: TooCoo Team from FactO Fun Studios Inc. LinKigno Copyright Team Unknown CreatorsHub Bleys Robertson Jill 比爾康曼 Bill Robert Anonymous Fun Studios Support Team Peng, Inc. Noodle Man productions Jim Trevor Robertson Rilo08 HAPPY Inc

What??? 1,500 Views?

In that short amount of time? FactO Team... have you been cheating? Well, I guess we do have 1,500 views.


We've hit 1,400 views!!! Oh my gosh!!!

[AD]: Search the web with TooCoo*

*TooCoo paid for this ad.

Play Roblox

Go to:

Download Fun Studios app

Download files

Go to CreatorsHub

Go to
Fun Studios founder/owner (Bleys) at a Ferrari dealership! The car quiz! Welcome to the Car Quiz! Are you good with cars? Let's see! #1 Who is the Ferrari Enzo named after? #2 What brand owns Mercedes Benz? #3 Is Mini owned by BMW? #4 Who made the Corolla? #5 Is NZ's favorite car type a SUV?


By golly. I did not know how that happened. A special thanks to: Jim from FactO. He advertised us on Google!!! Thanks Jim. Also thanks to all you people out there. Thanks to The Blog for supporting us. Thanks to my Dad. He set me up with a Gmail address so he did not get emailed by Blogger. Thanks to Google. Thanks to the SITE123 team. They supported me and my sites. Thanks to Wordpress. Thanks to all the links up the top, and thanks so much to Info Box!!! Any queries on this topic? Email Bleys here: ! Ad: Get a real copyright!!! ©2019 Blah blah blah. All rights reserved

Fun Studios makes history!

The longest SITE123 sub domain. I did no work on it! Here it is: 

We posted the Wasabi Video on YouTube!


Search Fun Studios

Search Fun Studios at  - Fun Search. Search Fun Studios:

Make Fun Studios your default browser!

To make Fun Studios your default browser on Chrome, first go to settings (chrome://settings/searchEngines). Click "Add", then type in Fun Studios in the "search engine name" box. Then type in "fun" as the keyword, the type in "" in the box at the bottom. Then click "add". Then you will see Fun Studios. Click the three dots by it, then click "make default"! For any queries on this please email Bleys from FactO at .


OMG!!! Last time I looked, we were at 1,000 views! OMG!!!


#1 Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the longest place name in the world! #2 P neumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest English  word known to man! #3 301 mph is the fastest speed in a car (Hennessy Venom F5).

Go to beta!

Find beta at

Go to "emporiothemeblog1"

Info Box says "We think all bloggers should preview the Emporio theme! So great". Link1 #emporiothemeblog Sorry, may not be secure!

Longest Words!

Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän - German Speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode - Danish Realisationsvinstbeskattning - Swedish Grianghrafadóireachta - Scottish Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - English Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch - Welsh


Jim from the FactO team says he is happy about the URL.


Was? We have got 1,000 views? Must be you very spaß people our there! Beeindruckend! Fun Studios! England, Scotland, Germany

Go to Explosion!

Go to  Explosion

Go to "The Blog"!

I have been searching the web, and I found a website (not made by me). You can view coding masterpieces at  The Blog !

Amazing Sign Up!

Modal Signup Form Sign Up × Sign Up Please fill in this form to create an account. Email Password Repeat Password Remember me By creating an account you agree to our Terms & Privacy . Cancel Sign Up

View Chipy's Profile!

Go to  Chipy !

My ROBLOX Profile!

👉  My ROBLOX Profile Description If you are an XT fan see our website:! See all the latest games, updates and much more!!! Subscribe to us on YT at: XT Games! Our videos are about our XT games. The creator of XT is on Microsoft Chat. His username is: XT_cool. Send him a friend request and give him some love! Our website will not break down any more! UPDATES: XT Pro games- all updated! Play now! Status "Go to my website at:"


🍔 🍔🍔🍔🍔 🍔🍔🍔🍔 🍔🍔🍔🍔 🍔🍔🍔 🍔🍔 🍔


You don't have to add the /index.html on Cat Supporters Club!

Play around with our new stuff!

I like Fun Studios best! I like FactMania best! Amazing Textholder:   Contact us! First name: Last name: FactMania!

Go to Cat Supporter Club

Go to: ! Remember, you have  to add the /index.html or you will not end up on my site!

Parakeet Challenge!

Go to this link 👉  Parakeet Challenge - Chipy Studios

Find us!

Our Profile  -  Our YouTube Channel  -  Our DevHub  -  FactO Want to subscribe? Go to  FeedBurner Email Subscription ! Want to search us? Go to  Blogspot Blog Search : Search results for  Search us with Google at - Google Search Home

Learn German!

Hello: Hallo Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen Yes Ja (Sounds Like Ya(a)!)

Comments from the creators!

We have every Blogger-made blog we have made on 1 post. Beat that HAPPY Inc. Some people think arial is bad, but we say "Bet you could put so much good content on 1 website. (Yeah, HAPPY Inc.)" Even Noodle Man and Jeff Inc use the amazing Awesome Inc Blogger them! From the vice-president of FactO: Ich denke, die Fun Studios sind eine gute Website, und 100% besser als HAPPY Inc. HAPPY Inc muss amititieren.


WE HAVE NOW GOT TO 500! Now see every one of our Blogger made blogs: ROBLOX Gaming BlueColor Metral and Petral VideoMania Chipy Club Get FactMania MyInfo Penguin Blog Xtreme Games FactMania Ads MyInfo Plus Mairehau Blog Fun Studios emporiothemeblog... Chipy Help Info Box Worksheet Planet 4K The Auto FactMania Chipy Studios Penguin Facts Blog VideoTube Simple Things FactMania Pingu's World HelpBasics

Celebrating 26 Blogger-made Blogs!

OMG! It is so fun to create blogs but, now we are celebrating 26 blogs we have made on  Blogger ! We don't have many  websites  on  SITE123  or on  Google Sites . Go to our  profile  or share us on  Facebook  or  Twitter . 

You've read about it... | Fun Studios


The Weekly Report

Powered by  The Weekly Report Grandma Peng gets her food tested Grandma Peng gets a volunteer. Chipy steps up to test the new Extra-Stretchy Cheesy Bacon Cheeseburger. He eats up the nice cheesy meal in no time and now he wants more! "I think my Grandma is a talented cook," says Chipy. Weekly Website Updates WebSearcher: Noodle Man added. Noodle Man: New Theme. HAPPY Inc: No search anymore.  

3 Weirdest Peng Laws

1. Your cheeseburger has to have cheese in it. 2. Your drink has to be filled up to the top. 3. You have to suck on cheese balls*. Even if you do not do this, cheese balls is to words.

See my profile!

Go to:

How we make our website!

This is an image of us making our site:     Q+A: What website making platform do we use? We use Blogger. Do we use HTML mode coding? Yes, we do. Do we like cheezballz? 100% YES!!!

Topics and News

Learn about the car 👉  Facts About Cars - FactMania All the new 👉 I know that was nothing, but keep in mind I coded this and it takes forever to code a link. To make you understand, here is an example: This is a link --> &nbsp;<a href="">Blogger